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Results 1981-2000 of 2998 for Keith Regan

Bush’s Silicon Valley Flyover

It's time to end the mystery. That blur in the sky over Silicon Valley last week wasn't a bird or a plane. It wasn't a UFO either. It was the president of the United States. ...


Is Internet Security Killing E-Business?

E-commerce has come a long way from the days when shoppers would abandon purchases in droves rather than wait several minutes for tortoise-slow secure transaction pages to be processed ...

Cisco Profits Up, Sales Down

Cisco Systems sounded a familiar refrain in reporting its quarterly results, saying profits were up but sales declined as demand for its networking gear remained soft, forcing the company to scale back its efforts to develop next-generation products. ...

HP Targets High-End Customers with Enterprise Rollout

Hewlett-Packard has announced a slew of new products, services and strategies in an effort to capture a greater share of computing business at the world's largest enterprises. ...

Sun Share Gains Fuel Takeover Speculation

A spike in Sun Microsystems shares has fueled long-simmering speculation that the once-mighty tech firm may be the target of an acquisition by a larger rival. ...

Priceline Back in Red as USAi Narrows Loss said its fast-growing hotel reservations business propped up its first-quarter results and announced it will ask shareholders to approve a reverse stock split to boost its sagging shares ...

U.S. Authorities Reveal Auction Fraud Crackdown

Federal and state law enforcement agencies say they have quietly begun a massive campaign to reduce rates of online auction fraud. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has been working with attorneys general in 29 states to enforce existing fraud laws against auction scammers. Known as "Operation Bidder Beware," the effort already has resulted in 57 criminal and civil actions...


The HP-Compaq Merger One-Year Checkup

Tradition holds that one-year anniversary presents should be made of paper, but executives at Hewlett-Packard no doubt could have done without the papers presented just a couple of weeks before the anniversary of HP's huge US$19 billion merger with Compaq. ...


If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Whine Louder

At first, no one minded when U.S. tech firms started turning to India, Ireland and other countries for help with their IT workload. After all, at the time, U.S. technology workers were in the catbird seat, naming their own prices and drinking free Mountain Dew from the corporate fridge to their heart's content. ... Parent Pares Losses, Plans Name Change

Despite a lingering hangover for employment in the United States,'s parent company trimmed its fiscal losses in the first quarter and said it would have posted a profit if not for charges associated with restructuring. ...

Report: Venture Funding Extends Slump in Q1

Optimism that venture funding had ended its three-year freefall late last year was replaced with a cold dose of reality in the first quarter as venture capitalists kept purse strings drawn tight, pushing funding levels to a five-year low. ...

AOL, MSN, Yahoo Join Forces in Spam War

Setting aside their natural competitive impulses, AOL, Microsoft and Yahoo have announced they will work together to fight the flood of unwanted commercial e-mail cluttering their customers' inboxes ...

Amazon Trims Losses, Ups Outlook has trimmed its fiscal losses, posted its first non-holiday quarter with more than US$1 billion in sales, and raised its revenue forecast for full-year 2003, providing further grist for investors who seem increasingly optimistic about long-battered Internet stocks. ...

Google Buys Targeted Ad Firm as Overture Posts Profits

Adding another weapon to its technology arsenal in the ongoing search engine wars, Google has announced the acquisition of privately held Applied Semantics for an undisclosed sum. ...

AOL Back in Black, But Online Unit Struggling

Snapping back from one of the largest losses in corporate history, AOL Time Warner posted a first-quarter profit that beat expectations, but its once high-flying online unit continued to drag down overall results. ...


Who Needs Colorful Little Tech Firms Anyway?

In the technology aquarium, they were the brightly colored, fancy fish that darted around and drew attention to themselves. The bigger fish swam by slowly, patiently waiting for the tank to be all theirs once again. ...

Microsoft Eases Licensing Rules at DOJ Behest

In another step toward a more open approach to how it sells its software, Microsoft has agreed to change its licensing agreement, bringing itself into compliance with earlier court rulings and making it easier and cheaper for other firms to make compatible products. ...

Ask Jeeves Answers Competitors with Upgrade

In a bid to hold tight to its search engine market share in the face of fierce competition, Ask Jeeves has launched an upgraded version of its consumer search tool, following the lead of Yahoo, Overture and market leader Google ...

Gateway Sees PC Sales Fall as Rivals Pull Ahead

Gateway (NYSE: GTW) has announced that its transformation from a PC retailer to a more diversified company accelerated in the first quarter. The gap between the company and its major PC competitors widened, but sales of its specialty products and home electronics rose ...


How Online Tax Sites Stacked Up in 2003

Last-minute panic drove millions of taxpayers onto the Web this year, driving traffic to several sites that process tax returns. And despite the massive spike in visitor numbers, top sites performed well, delivering pages in a timely fashion and staying available almost around the clock. ...

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